Posted by: SJS | June 3, 2024

Ukraine hitting back hard

After months of defending itself against Russian aggression with one hand tied behind its back, Ukraine is now making good use of the American-supplied weaponry to strike targets in Russia as well as taking aim at Russian forces in Crimea. With bold ingenuity, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are now taking it to their heinous adversary whose goal is to wipe Ukraine off the map.

The shameful, cowardly Congressional Republican delay on needed arms for Ukraine provided Russia with strategic advantages that resulted in enormous harm to the Ukrainian people. With arms shipments finally flowing again into Ukraine, the frontline forces aren’t wasting any time inflicting severe damage on the Russians. The fighting spirit of Ukraine has never been more powerful.

Putin and his Republican enablers in the US Congress are beginning to learn that the unleashed fury of the Ukrainian military and millions of ordinary American voters is just beginning to exact vengeance for this unparalleled attack on freedom and democracy. On the battlefields of Ukraine and in polling places across the US, the forces of fascism and oppression will soon learn painful lessons that will never be forgotten.

The PT crews of WWII were never more dangerous than when they went into battle with chips on their broad shoulders. The gave as good as they got. Their adversaries learned quickly that size, firepower, and numerical advantages were no match for an enraged opponent with scores to settle. With speed, stealth, and a steady focus, the PTs got the job done time after time after time.

Putin and his American Republican bootlickers have no idea what they’re in for.

Glory to Ukraine!

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